Under the stars at Sundak Beach, Indonesia [in pictures]

Last Friday was Nyepi, a Balinese Hindu-oriented national holiday which Jogja doesn’t really celebrate, so I headed to Sundak beach on the south Java coast with Rachel, Hector, and twelve of Rachel’s students, all Indonesian boys around 19-24 years old.

The road conditions were four hours of this:

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…for views like this:

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…white sand made of buffed-up coral, like this:

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…plus a sunset like this:

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…all meticulously captured by twelve Indonesian smartphones:

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The boys made a sandpit fire and cooked a full chicken, plus sambal and rice:

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…and rooms at the beach’s inn were too expensive, so we rented large mats and planned to sleep on the sand. Once it began raining, we dragged everything under a bamboo shelter, the boys yelling “Abort! Abort!”. Everyone fell asleep playing with their own smartphones, a far cry from ghost stories by the campfire, though people believe very strongly in ghosts here so maybe that’s for the best.

I woke up at 4am and noticed the clouds had finally cleared enough for incredible stars — the Milky Way, first sighting in Indonesia. Two of the boys weren’t sleeping either, so we sat together and watched the sun rise over the Indian Ocean.

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As if this wasn’t all enough fun, here’s what happened around 7am:

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Happy Nyepi!